Friday, May 1, 2009

30 weeks and growing

For those you wanted to see my bump.
Here I am. I am feeling good.

Some days are better than others. She is always kicking. Everything checks out good. Just few more weeks. Yipee


These ducks are always swimming in the pond in our back yard. This is a male.
I think they are the ugliest things. But we want them to hang around because if not, there could be somthing swimming that doesn't belong in the water. It's fun to watch them walk. They sure know how to waddle. Somtimes I feel I look like them when I walk. Ha, Ha,


Priebe Family said...

Jen you look so good. I can hardly believe that you only have a few weeks left. We are so excited for this little girl to come and so grateful for blogs so that we will be able to see her! Wish it could be in person though and the rest of you too. We miss you all so much!

Laura said...

you look great! way better than those ugly ducks. why can't we just have normal ducks here? i'm always so excited when i see an ordinary brown one!

Brynne said...

You look so great! Way to go! It will be over before you know it!

KevDebKlan said...

That's one ugly duck!!! YOu look really cute though jen. Can't believe how old the kids look in these pictures. can't wait to see you all.

Dawna and Matt said...

You really do look great! You must be right about the wrong number, I can never reach you. Call me, my number has not changed! I miss talking to you. Plus, it is about time to plan my trip to meet baby Bella!