Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day

He's so handsome!!!!!
We love you most!!!!!!

We love our Daddy!!!
He wasn't able to be with us, but he's still in our thoughts. He is a amazing Husband and father. I'm so grateful to have him in my life. He loves to be with his family and is so thoughtful and his always lending a hand.

My Dad!!!!!!
I love you.
You have always been there when I needed you and have given me good advice in my life. I'm grateful to have a dad like you. I know that is the first time I'm not able to be with you on this special day. You did a job well done. I hope you have a wonderful day...
As a little girl I wrote a note to him saying that I thought you are HOT. and to this day I still think my Daddy is HOT.