Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Night to Remember

Josh, Matt, Papa, and our cousin Steve Young had the opportunity to go down to a University of Idaho football game in Moscow last Saturday. Steve is a Sargeant Major in the Army Special Forces and has been here for two weeks on a recruiting assignment . Saturday was Veterans appreciation day at the U of I, so he was invited to make a presentation. To open his presentation he repelled from the raftors. Josh said it was super cool. Because he has the highest rank which can be awarded to an enlisted soldier, he was basically treated like a celebrity and was able to get the boys media passes, which allowed them full access to the field and teams. Papa gave them his camera to take pictures. At the end of the game one of the soldiers picked up the game ball and gave it to the boys. They had an absolute blast and felt like celebrities themselves. Matt and Josh are great friends and they both love Football, so this was perfect for them. This is something that they will remember for the rest of their lives. Thank you Steve, Papa and Grandma Westover for taking the boys out for an amazing time.

Sadly the team lost, but they all had a blast anyway.


Dawna and Matt said...

It almost makes me jelous that I did not use the tickets myself. But I am glad that they had that experience. They are such great boys!

Christy Ivory said...

Hey Jen,
Got your message... Once you start those books it's hard to stop. I was taking them everywhere I went. I loved it....
Your blog is so cute. You are going to have to help me. I'm not quite know how to get the blog backrounds. I want to get the music on mine also, but it takes so much time.
Hey, I hear you are doing gymnastics again. That is so great!!! I so need to get back to working out. I have taken 2 months off. Not good..... Well, write me back. We need to get together. Christy

The Larsons said...

Hey Jen! Just heard a rumor... wondering if it's true?! Do you need to update your blog?! :) Love that you are doing gymnastics! That is awesome!