Thursday, January 22, 2009

Birthday Boys

It was the last time we will have a big family Birthday Party together. Gabes birthday is the 27th of Dec. and Michaels is the 28th. Its been nice to have the birthdays so close it makes it easy to plan a party. They enjoyed spending it together. It was like having Christmas all over again. They got tons of presents. Thank you to the Grandmas and Grandpa, Aunts, Uncles and Counsins. They had a blast.

The whole crew.

We had the party at our house, But it felt a little weird because the house was pretty well empty. We were all ready to move out within the next few days. So we had plenty of room for all the kids to run around.

My favorite Things:

M- My mom

I- I love to play with Gabe

C- Can play x-box. Especially the skate boarding game

H- His train set

A- A lot of kisses and huges

E- Especially likes to be at home

L- Loves being with his family

G- Great helper and loves hanging out with Dad

A- A very good bike rider. He learned when he was three.

B- Busy Bee. He has a lot of energy and keeps us busy.

E- Especially loves playing with cars, and knows the makes and models of some .

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