Saturday, August 9, 2008

CDA Triathlon & Duathlon

My Dad, My Mom and I entered in the big cda race. I did the duathlon which is a 3.2 mile run, 26 mile Bike, and 6.2 run. I did ok. I exceeded my personal goals. I finished just under 31/2 hours. I was only about 4 minutes behind my father. Ha. My mom teamed it with a friend. She did the bike. I know, both of my parents bet me. But I just trained for only 3 months. This my dad 3rd race and my moms 2nd. Last year my Mom and I teamed it. I did the run and she biked. Next year David and I are going to do the triathlon. Well , we'll see. I'm not a swimmer and I hate cold water. David was really hoping to do it this year but couldn't find the time. I felt bad for him. It is such a rush and everybody is there is cheering you on. I had such a blast. I thank David for having me have this opportunity to do this. I Love you honey.

This year was the biggest turn out 1300 people entered. The race started at 7:00 am. At the started and poured on us. I was alittle worried for the bike portion because the roads would be slick. I've never biked in the rain before. But when I finshed the first run it cleared up and the sky turned blue again. Ha. It was fun to be their with my family. Thanks Kris for you support. Thank you for those who also took pictures. I had a great time.


KevDebKlan said...

way to go! I have to say I am impressed. I might make a half mile run but no more!!! I guess I need to work on that. Good job. Love to see updates.

Dawna and Matt said...

Great job Jen. One of these years I'll do it with you. YA, probably not! though maybe I can train for the swim and do that part for you.

Jeppsen's said...

jen I'm so proud of you

FarrEver Family said...

Man, I wish I liked running. I am way impressed. How do you find the time?
Your family sure is adorable!