Friday, March 6, 2009

Josh the Super Nerd

This is his new look for school. Ha, Ha,

He was being funny one day. He still looks good in anything he wears. Josh is doing very well in school. He made Honor Roll and had breakfast at the school. Of course he still has a hard time going to school. He is the Biggest Worry Wart. This year the 6th graders have to take a test that will determine if they pass or fail the grade level. But we all know he will do great. He is my biggest helper and the greatest example to our family. He's our peace maker.
We love you J.osh


Priebe Family said...

Nice look Josh, My boys have been doing the Erkle look around the house as well recently. How crazy. You are still handsome as ever. We miss you and love you so much!

Priebe Family said...

Hay Josh I miss you alot!!!!I like the new look ,though I like the old Josh better.Go onto our blog and you can see me with braces!They hurt, but it is not as bad as everyone says.Miss you alot
Your BFF(best friend forever)Matt