Friday, April 8, 2011

California sun

For Spring Break, we took the kids to California to spend some time with the Hydes. It is sure nice to have some family close by. While we were there, we were able to meet up with our friends the Kauers, who were also on Spring Break. We spent a wonderful afternoon with them at Huntington Beach, playin in the sand and surf. We all at lunch at Ruby's diner at the end of the Huntington Pier. We had a wonderful time with them, and decided that the 2 1/2 years that had passed since we had seen them last was too long and we need to plan another get together soon. It is so nice living here in Arizona, where we have access to so many wonderful activities. We are already enjoying regular weather up into the 90's and our pool is warming up nicely. We know we can expect some really warm days ahead, be we have learned to kind of like the heat.


Eliza said...

Ooh the beach! Looks like a great vacation!

Christy Ivory said...

Wow Jen...
I really don't know how you do it! Your amazing. You always seem to have your stuff together. Your family's beautiful!
Hope you are loving the Az sun..:)

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